Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Nostalgia: Amelia's Magazine

Once upon a time, I used to write for Amelia's Magazine. I was the Music Editor there for some time, and was lucky enough to make friends for life, experienced a plethora or interesting/ quirky/ whacky events which led me down all sorts of paths, none of which I regret, and all of which I remember.

The first gig that I went to with Amelia, on my first day working with her, in her cosy little house off Brick Lane - was to see a small Australian band called Operator Please . Amelia lent me her old bike, which didn't have any breaks - and I hadn't ridden on London roads before. Thankfully the gig was just around the corner, only one slightly nerve-racking experience whilst sat in the middle of quite a fast road with buses whizzing past.

Anyway, that experience set me up for what was about to come - a fast-paced, culture fix that fed my imagination, and still feeds me today. I met countless arty-types who were brave and skillful, and even if they weren't that skilled they were at least brave. My own confidence grew enormously - still at university, I was already interviewing the likes of Erdem, and it certainly helped me on my way.

Now, I still marvel at Amelia's creations - I learnt to work with a woman who followed her heart every inch of the way, and although at times intimidating, entirely honest and open to ideas and moving forward, getting on, breaking out, and not being afraid to speak up.

Take a look at Amelia's Blog here:

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